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Public Works

Fairbank is Proud to Own and Operate Your Reliable Utility Company!

Public Works Director - 

Public Works Assistance - Nick Kuker

Public Works - Lonnie Brewer

Contact City Hall for information on a budgeting plan.
In the event of a utility leak or emergency Call 911 IMMEDIATELY!

Call Iowa One Call or City Hall before you Dig

IT'S FREE AND IT IS THE LAW. Many utilities including city owned are buried throughout the city! DO NOT DIG ANYWHERE ON OR OFF YOUR LOT WITHOUT HAVING A LOCATE ON BURIED UTILITIES DONE! Any damaged or interrupted service caused by unauthorized digging will result in you paying for all the damages and labor, and a possible fine!

Not to mention you could be injured or killed!

Conserve Energy

By conserving energy, you lower your bill along with the city's. Here are some tips!

Keep your thermostat at a comfortable level, around 68. You can always put more clothes on.
Turn off the lights in rooms you are not in.
Set your water heater to WARM, and put it on "vacation" mode when you are
gone for an extended period.
Install energy efficient appliances.
Check your stools, faucets, tubs and showers for leaks. (free leak detectors are at city hall)
Install low flow stools.
Contact City Hall or your Plumber for more tips!

Garbage Collection and Curb Side Recycling

Garbage collection and curb side recycling is currently contracted through "Black Hawk Waste".

Garbage & Recycling Pick-Up is on Monday

If pick-up day falls on a holiday, pick-up will be the following morning. If the holiday is a Monday, both garbage & recycling will be Tuesday.

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