Recycling weights before new containers -
Jan-Mar AVG
5,575 lbs.
Recycling weights after new containers -
Apr-Dec AVG
5,621 lbs.
The city of Fairbank has been reporting recycling weights to the Iowa DNR since April of 2013. As you can see the recycling weights have not changed much since we started using the new containers. We are sure the households in Fairbank can do a better job at Recycling.
Recycling is very easy. Set your recycling container right next to your normal garbage container in the house, that way you can sort the contents on a daily basis. We think this will help to increase the total recycling for our city.
Your recycling material is hauled to Cedar Valley Recycling and Transfer Station where it is hand sorted on a conveyor belt. 12-16 people help in sorting the material. Please only put recycling material in the blue containers.
Garbage Collection and Curb Side Recycling
Garbage collection and curb side recycling is currently contracted through "Kluesner Sanitation". Please call Kluesner Sanitation for questions or concerns at 563-927-5977.
Recycling guidelines: click here
Garbage & Recycling Pick-Up is on Monday
Have items at the curb by 6:00am!
If pick-up day falls on a holiday, pick-up will be the following morning. If the holiday is a Monday, both garbage & recycling will be Tuesday.
